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Thinking about joining us? Great, we’d love to have you join us! For basic individual membership the annual fee is just US$20 per year, what a deal! We also offer family membership for US$30. This allows a spouse or other family member to have full voting rights at our meetings. While we encourage spouses, significant others or family members to attend meetings and events to manage voting rights at meetings the family membership option is something to consider.

Join the St. Louis MG Club

First and foremost please feel free to “try before you buy”. Please come to a meeting/social gathering or an event and try us out. Ready to join right now? Just use one of the options below

Benefits of Membership

What are they? Well, here goes:

Newsletter – We publish the “St. Louis Metro Gazette” on a monthly basis and this electronic newsletter provides technical articles, event updates, the details of the monthly club meetings and lots of photos! Please use the Newsletters link in the main menu bar above to see the prior issues.

Monthly meetings – held monthly this brings members together and we hear about member projects, collectively resolve problems, plan events and hear about events that have taken place. This provides a great forum to exchange ideas and seek information on your projects or general questions about your car and its operation. We also have attendance prizes at every meeting. Feel free to bring your spouse or a family member to the meetings.

Tech Sessions – are held in January, February, March and April at various locations and are hosted by some of our professional support members. These cover almost any mechanical, bodywork or engine related topics and topics are chosen/requested at the monthly meetings prior to each session.

Events – every month we have something planned, there’s always something happening so please join us and join in the fun! Go to our events calendar for all the details.

Facebook Group – if you use Facebook then joining our group is another way to get help/assistance, details on upcoming events or just to talk/discuss all things MG. See this link to the Facebook group.